I is for Island (the buying of)


Wouldn’t it be fabulous to own your own Caribbean or South Pacific island? You can! I was researching islands for a project I’m working on and came across a website listing islands for sale. Two hours later – yes, I admit it, I got sucked right in, searching for the perfect island. For my book, of course πŸ˜‰

It might be a little tricky importing food, furnishings, etc. but it would be like living in a resort, with white sandy beaches at your front door, year-round sunshine, and R&R. What’s not to love?

Anyone have a few million to spare? I promise to pay it back πŸ™‚


I is for Island (the buying of) — 6 Comments

  1. I would be okay splitting an island with you- we could each have every other month! You know… might be easier coming up with only a few hundred million each!
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