All alone am I

Well, I’m practically all alone. Seventy-five percent of my critique group has abandoned me. They’ve flown off to Dallas for the Romance Writers of America national conference – four days of workshops, parties, schmoozing, parties, editor/agent appointments … and oh, did I mention partying? 🙂

Can we say jealous??? :mrgreen:

I’ve missed the past three years because, well, I really didn’t feel justified in attending since I wasn’t writing seriously. But no more! Next year the conference is being held in San Francisco. I am SO there! The day registration opens, I’m booking my spot and my hotel room. I deserve it!

I should spend the rest of this week writing to keep my mind off all the fun I’m missing. The sooner I get started, the sooner I’ll have manuscripts on editors’ desks, and with any luck, the sooner I’ll be getting THE CALL!

If you want to read about all the action at the conference, Suzanne McMinn, Michelle Willingham and Kacey Pickens will be reporting in.

Now I’m off to feel sorry for myself 😥


All alone am I — 3 Comments