The results

I didn’t win the Chase the Dream contest, but I’d like to thank all of you who took the time to cast a vote. It was such a nice surprise to even be nominated that it has inspired me more than I ever thought a contest placement could. And even though I didn’t win, both an agent and an editor have asked to see more of this project, which is really exciting. If you’d like to read the winners’ entries, click here.

Meanwhile, I suppose I should start Christmas shopping one day soon. The big day is going to be here way too soon. 😮 How about you? Are you finished buying? Wrapping? Baking? Or are you a procrastinator like me?


The results — 1 Comment

  1. Well, congrats on how far you made it anyway! And interest from an editor and agent is great!

    I’m finished shopping. Mostly. Still need to wrap and bake.