Bulldozer wanted

I know I made a resolution to blog more, which only goes to show resolutions don’t work 🙁 But I did make one resolution I’ve already started on – simplifying and minimizing my life. This is the year to get rid of the junk I’ve accumulated in the 30+ years I’ve lived in this house. And the one room that needs it the most – my office. I’d have a photo of what it looked like before I started, but I couldn’t find my camera 🙂 So even though I haven’t been blogging, I’ve been busy.

My office is jammed – wall-to-wall shelves, an office desk, stereo, another smaller shelving unit, assorted boxes holding paper, a scanner I never had room to set up, a photo printer, and a new printer that wouldn’t connect to my old computer. All this in a 9×9 room.

I estimate there were over 1000 books in my office. This is what they look like when they aren’t stuffed into every square inch of shelves and piled on the floor behind the door.

I’ve managed to weed out about 200. I’m taking this batch to the hospital where they sell them in the gift shop. I have a stack of magazines I’ll take there too for the waiting rooms, and another batch of hardcovers to go to the library for their annual book sale. But I NEED the rest. Really.

Now back to work.

Until next time,


Bulldozer wanted — 4 Comments