Dominoes. For some reason it always seemed like an old man’s game to me, even though I do remember playing with my sister and my parents when I was really small, probably because it was such an easy game for little ones to learn. Just match the number of dots to the domino already there. The first person to get rid of all the their dominoes wins.
The people we were visiting with taught me to play Mexican Train. Sure. No problem. I’m a reasonably intelligent person. How difficult can it be? Let’s just say it was a lot more complicated than than I expected. This was not my parents’ domino game.
In Mexican Train, each person has their own “train” to match with, but there are rules about playing doubles, adding to other people’s trains, even another “Mexican train” that anyone can add to. So with a group of people, there are potentially more than a dozen places to add tiles.
When I’m playing a game, I don’t want to have to strategize. So, it’s back to cards for me – Fish, Snap, War. Yep, I can handle those.
What about you? Have you ever played? Do you prefer card games? Board games? No games at all?
we love games, although we play cards more than anything. bebe’s just figuring out dominoes, though, she we pull them out every now and again.
It’s a great game for little ones. My boys learned math by playing cards – cribbage in particular – as long as they didn’t have to count past 31
Margery recently posted…D is for Dominoes
I like games like Dominoes. We also play card and board games in our house.
I’ve played cards and domino but I really really suck at both. Didn’t know there was a game that’s called Mexican Train, hahaha. Cool!
Al Diaz recently posted…Chronicles of the Dragon Cave from A to Z: “D” for Da Dragon
Stopped by from A-Z, and really enjoyed all your posts so far. I’ll definitely be back. I love dominoes, and can’t believe I haven’t played them with my son. Thanks for the reminder!