E is for Elvis (The King)

Back in the 50’s, Elvis Presley was the biggest name in music. Parents were sure his gyrations on stage were going to corrupt minors while the teenagers discovered rock and roll and his records and movies raked in the money.

From his childhood in Tupelo, Mississipi to wealth and fame few of us can imagine (and to be honest, I wouldn’t want), he racked up almost 40 top ten hits and starred in 33 movies. He died far too young. But his music lives on.

So today I thought I’d have a little contest. Below are five Elvis songs. Fill in the blanks, post your answers and I’ll choose one winner from the correct entries to receive a digital copy of another “E”I thought about talking about today – my historical romance, Emma’s Wish.

1. In the ____________

2. ____________ Heart

3. I Can’t Help _________ in ___________

4. _____________ Rock

5. Blue _________________

For a bonus entry, tell me your favorite Elvis song and why.

Thanks for visiting.


E is for Elvis (The King) — 3 Comments

  1. I am not a huge Elvis fan, but he does have quite a few songs I like. Lilo and Stitch definitely amped up my Elvis love, and I don’t dislike him, but I suppose he wasn’t part of my family’s culture growing up. Cheese was, however. 😀
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