
I’m researching guns this morning for my Intrigue proposal. Specifically, I’m researching high-powered rifles. You know the what I mean, the ones they use on TV – the snipers’ choice.

What do they really sound like without sound effects? What size bullets do they use? Stuff like that.

And I’m not having much luck. These weapons aren’t advertised in the yellow pages or on the internet.

And I can’t even call the local gun shop, since there aren’t any here. The best I could do is call Canadian Tire, but they only sell hunting rifles. Not exactly what I’m looking for.

Oh well … back to surfing … Wish me luck.

Drugs? Enhancements? Anything you need …

For some reason, my ISP’s spam blocker/filter thingie isn’t working. It downloaded over 1500 spam messages into my inbox yesterday.

Oh, is it safe to use the word “spam”? Will that generate even more offers to buy drugs online, enhance whatever body part I’m not happy with, or recharge my love life?

Spam should be illegal. Now, I’m sure it would be handy to get an antibiotic without going to a pharmacy, but if I’m out anyway to get a prescription, it’s not a big deal. As for “enhancements”, there are some that if I took advantage of these offers, I’d be a freak of nature. As for my love life … let’s not go there.

Do people actually believe this stuff? :loser:

I’ll be calling my ISP this morning. I don’t want to take the chance of missing that email offering me a contract because it’s buried in a mass of junk.

You’re the one that I want – ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh

Has anybody seen the first episide of the auditions for the Broadway production of Grease? It’s American Idol with a twist – these kids have to dance and act, too.

I watched it last night. Grease is my all-time favourite musical. I love everything about it – the characters, the music, the costumes. The story is a cliche good girl/bad boy romance, filled with dialogue with more corn than an Iowa cornfield. But I don’t care.

Now, some of these kids are NOT Sandy and Danny. They just aren’t. But still … they’re out there going after their dreams. And you can’t fault anybody for doing that. Most of us have dreams we wish we’d pursued. I know I do. Do you?

Multitasking … or not

A demanding day looks likely and you will need to be on your best form when it comes to the ability to multi task with ease! You need not worry though since the planetary energies are providing you with a definite sense of purpose along with the ability to concentrate intently on your chosen activity.

First of all, I retired. Multitasking is no longer in my vocabulary, unless it’s trying to read and watch TV at the same time. And second, I haven’t been in my best form since the 70’s, so I doubt I’m going to get that back today.

I think I’ll ignore my horoscope for today. I think I’ll go to the store and buy a lottery ticket with my so-called lucky numbers. I just hope the numbers are more accurate than my horoscope.

Linguistics 101

Am I being recondite? Am I guilty of pleonasm? Don’t worry. My rambling is fugacious 😀

This year, it’s my job to provide a “word of the day” to my critique group. It’s an easy job. All I have to do is go to and sign up for their daily email.

I love words. But seriously, some of the words I’ve seen are words I’ve never heard before. And I can’t imagine anyone really uses them? Like pusillanimous? Or myrmidon?

I write – and read – romantic fiction, and when new words are sprinkled sparsely through a book and explained in the context of the narrative, they can add to the enjoyment of the book for me. But there’s a limit. I don’t want to have to have a dictionary beside me to get through a story.

What do you think? Does it bother you to read strange words in a book?


Hello-o-o-o-o-o :cough: :cough: My goodness, it’s dusty and echo-ey in here.

Happy New Year! :bananadance::bananadance:

Wishing all of you good health, happiness, and success in making all your dreams come true.

It’s that time of year when we all make promises we probably won’t keep 😕 and make plans to change our lives for the better – lose weight, stop smoking, etc. etc.

For me, it’s the usual resolutions – eat healthier, write more and generally live better. I have seriously neglected my blog for quite a while, and I’m going to try to post regularly. This is a hard one, since I don’t have much to say. No kids, no pets to write about. Pretty stable, read boring, life. So I’ll ramble a lot. Stay tuned.

What about you? What resolutions are you making? Are they recycled from last year? And do you think you can stick to them?

It’s my first time …

Until yesterday, I was a virgin … an eBay virgin, that is. Everybody I know bids on eBay regularly, but I’d resisted. But then something caught my eye, something I need right now. Badly. Not jewelry, not furs, not even a vacation.

Yep, that’s right. It’s a chain saw. Our house at the lake is surrounded by trees. I wouldn’t mind, but they’re so close to the house they cover the windows, not to mention the roots are sneaking under the foundation. So, they have to go.

But there is another advantage to owning your own chain saw. Now, people are going to be really careful not to tick me off 🙂