Adiscussion the other day led us to talking about reading, specifically about reading books if we aren’t enjoying them.
Some people read a book until the end, no matter what. I refuse to do that. Reading is supposed to be pleasurable, and slogging through an unbelievable plot with unsympathetic characters is not enjoyable. Besides, there are too many other books waiting for me to waste time on a book I don’t like.
Some readers give a book only a page or two before deciding whether or not to continue. I admit it, I was guilty of doing that for years. Reading time was at a premium, and if I wasn’t hooked immediately, I didn’t have time to waste.
Lately, I’ve come to the conclusion neither one is fair. It isn’t fair to me to force myself to read a book I don’t like, and it isn’t fair to only allow an author one or two pages to grab my attention.
Now, I read the blurb on the back of the book, and I’ll force myself through three chapters, regardless of how bad the book is. If I can put the book down without seeing what happens next, I do. If that system is good enough for editors, it’s good enough for me.
What about you? What kind of reader are you?